lunch, dinner, and snack ideas for nursing mothers

lunch, dinner, and snack ideas for nursing mothers

I know it can be tricky to get a meal in at all with a newborn, let alone a healthy one! But honestly the easiest way I've found to do this is to stick with the same things, so I typically eat the same meals for breakfast and lunch most days, with the same handful of...

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my most used items | in the first month postpartum

my most used items | in the first month postpartum

In the midst of all the baby items being undoubtedly thrown your way, I wanted to share with you a very minimal list of my most used items my first month postpartum, as a postpartum doula and mama of five. Nightgowns (for both her and I!) top the list, with both this...

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How I’m supporting my postpartum healing

How I’m supporting my postpartum healing

The postpartum time period is the highest drop in hormones a woman will experience. The placenta takes over hormones production during pregnancy, and then we deliver that placenta, and it takes our bodies a while to get our hormone production back on track. This...

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a goodbye to home.

a goodbye to home.

Home. We’ve brought babies home here, I’ve actually birthed a baby here, I’ve cried out to God within these walls. I’ve praised Him for a great many blessings. Home is more than walls and paint and light fixtures. It’s a rhythm, a song, the one you want to play over...

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I know God is real for many reasons, one of them being His willingness to speak to me through dreams. Maybe they're visions, I'm not really sure, but I know there have been a few times in my adult life when I know He has spoke to me through them. The most recent time,...

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