In person workshop Magically Mundane
Registration for the fall 2023 Magically Mundane workshop is now OPEN!
The 2023 fall workshop will take place October 2-3 in Woodstock, Vermont! This will be the perfect backdrop for a cozy and inspirational two days full of community, education, rest, and rejuvenation.

six month mentorship program + retreat
The Mother’s Way is for photographers who long to create intentional, timeless imagery for others, while also living those slow paced, peace filled, and purpose led days at home with their own little ones. If you long to soak in your own motherhood and allow it to become your greatest inspiration for your work, while also choosing the courage to take the road less traveled, then this experience is for you. The Mother’s Way applications only open once a year in August. The experience includes 6 months of monthly live calls with talks on specific topics pertaining to photography, your sustainable and intentional business, and your own present motherhood, monthly 1:1 calls with each mentee, and a monthly group collaborative call. All communications each month will be guiding you towards whatever you are feeling called to in your heart.
At the culmination of the experience, we will meet together at a gorgeous lake house near Greenville, SC, for a weekend of guided portfolio shoots, soulful presentations, meals together, breakfast here at our farm, lots of laughter, and a few happy tears too : ).
For photographers
Online Course
The Sacred Maybe online course for photographers teaches you how to harness the emotive power of the in between. Within this muli-lesson course, you will learn how I prepare for a session, where I find posing inspiration, how I edit, and how I use my own times of “in-between” to recognize and honor those moments for others. The information is presented in clear PDF’s, and videos… there is a screen share video of me editing, as well as a video of me shooting a motherhood session and the gallery of images that resulted!

1:1 coaching & Mentorship
I offer 1:1 coaching for all things photography and beyond! I am here to walk beside you, aid you in stepping into your big beautiful purpose, and to guide you to accomplishing your big heart dreams and goals! We can cover any topics you would like in order to achieve your goals. I am an open book, and am so happy to help you in your journey! Coaching enrollment space is limited and will only be open quarterly. The 1:1 mentorship full day experience includes two beautifully styled, guided portfolio sessions, meals together at my favorite cafes, the Magically Mundane workshop book, and ample insight all tailored specifically to your needs and desires for growth. Email me to learn more!
Online Courses
Not a photographer?
I offer an online course for small business owners, influencers, bloggers, anyone needing to know how to take beautiful, high quality images that tell their story!

Virtual mastermind motherhood photography
The virtual mastermind is a 6 week experience that includes weekly live presentations, PDF’s, and 1:1 time. It is an incredible opportunity to learn to build a lucrative and meaningful business that serves your client and your family well. We will discuss ways to diversify your income, how to optimize SEO for your website, email marketing, and more. It is slower paced and takes place from the comfort of your home. Be sure to sign up for the email list to learn about the 2024 mastermind.