The postpartum time period is the highest drop in hormones a woman will experience. The placenta takes over hormones production during pregnancy, and then we deliver that placenta, and it takes our bodies a while to get our hormone production back on track. This combined with lack of sleep, healing bodies and adjustments, and this is why women so often experience baby blues in the weeks following birth.

This postpartum experience, with my 5th baby, has been my best yet; emotionally and physically. And I know that is not a coincidence. I’ve learned how to care for my body in new ways both during pregnancy and postpartum that have been so helpful to me, and I want to share with you what I’ve done… just remember, you are not alone, and asking for help if you are struggling emotionally is absolutely okay.

Here is what I’m doing this time around postpartum to support my physical and emotional healing…

🕊nourishing meals and snacks with lots of quality protein, pastured bone broths, and collagen (my favorite collagen HERE). I start my day with a protein smoothie that consists of frozen fruit, raw milk, greek yogurt, and HRD//KLL food for life.

🕊Wish Garden rebalance postpartum tincture, and Afterease for postpartum cramping

🕊Mamoosh hormone balancing tincture

🕊I encapsulated my placenta. It works for some and not others, but for me, it does bridge the gap between that hormone drop. If you do this, just be sure to pay close attention to how it’s making your feel because it can have the opposite effect as well.

🕊focus on gut health- I use THIS colostrum powder everyday (ALEX15 to save), as well as gelatin rich homemade marshmallows!

🕊biocean marine plasma for mineral replenishment

🕊supplements: forever healthy thyro+, mag elite, shilajit, and vitamin E. Pure encapsulations b complex, vitamin C, and zinc.

🕊 I also keep a Google doc on my phone where I journal each day (you can find my journal prompts HERE). I write what we did, how I’m feeling, my worries or anything I’m feeling down about and then I combat that with truth, scripture, things I know to be true instead of lies I’m telling myself.

I also practiced the 5-5-5 rule this time around… 5 days in bed, 5 days on the bed, and 5 days around the bed. It was such a blessing. I have a post to share with you later this week that explains more about how I did that with four other children, including a toddler! But meal prepping in the third trimester was a HUGE help. I would just make extra breakfast things that the children would thaw the night before and eat with eggs or yogurt. I also had made a ton of bone broth, soups, lasagnas, marinated skirt steak and veggies, chicken and veggies in teriyaki sauce, meatballs, and roasts that I could just stick in the crock pot or pop in the oven for dinners. We also had many sweet friends who brought us meals postpartum. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I had trouble doing this in the past and honestly it was SO helpful to have others bring meals!

Lots of grace for yourself too. Let your body and your heart heal from such a grand experience.. the most transformative experience many of us will every encounter.