Tis the season for dressing up and heading out to holiday parties, special date nights, dinners with family, or maybe something a bit more casual like watching Elf with a pile of children on the couch. To be honest, the latter is more my speed! But I also won’t say no to dinner out with my husband, or a post bedtime cookie party with some girlfriends!
Before I share more about some great casual looks and an amazing GIVEAWAY, I want to share a bit about what holiday social engagements once looked and felt like for me. Because really, we may all find ourselves living different circumstances. Maybe we are lonely, maybe big groups make us anxious, maybe we are going through a hard time and just can’t handle the small talk that social gatherings bring. Whatever it is, I want to remind myself that we are all walking different paths and I may not know when someone is struggling, so being kind and understanding is always the right thing. And the good news is, the true meaning of Christmas is about the hope brought to all of us through the birth of our Savior!
Years ago, before I met my husband, I wasn’t in a great place. I was struggling with some relationships in my life and in turn, socializing was hard for me. The facade of a happy face, the surface conversations, it was just really tough and often led me to isolate. Maybe you’ve been there too. Maybe you’ve felt alone and weren’t sure what your next move should be. I struggled with social engagements and would often decide not to go at the last minute. Reflecting back, I can imagine how that may have looked to those unaware of what was going on in my life. And although I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older, how to openly share my experiences, I’m thankful for that time in my life because it gave me more empathy now. It reminds me that others may be walking through something hard, and grace and love is the best thing I can offer them.
Ok so now back to something a bit more shall we say, light? Ha! Ok let’s talk clothes! I love clothes, I do. Beautiful dresses, and feminine blouses, and vintage denim in particular. I like to think of my style as a modern day Ma Ingalls…just cooking the meals, rearing the children, laughing with my husband and getting my hands dirty in between.
I often get asked where my favorite places to shop are… my secret is, I love second hand! Most of my wardrobe, and my children’s wardrobe has been carefully scoured for on second hand sites and Instagram accounts…some people watch tv at night to unwind, I scour the inter webs for second hand finds…my kind of treasure hunt! It’s how I’m able to afford quality pieces that will be handed down through the children.
So I’m going to share my secrets with you!! My favorite places for second hand finds are:
+searching particular hashtags on Instagram like #maboclothierpreowned or #doenforsale
My favorite shops to find new items from are :
+Carly Jean Los Angeles
+Adored Vintage
+Nothing Fits But
+Christy Dawn

Etsy is also a great place to search for vintage and handmade items… especially linen! If I’m going to buy new, I try to support small businesses who also have a heart for serving their communities… one of my favorites is Adored Vintage! Above you’ll see a handful of my favorite looks currently from their site! Also wanted to note… this is in no way sponsored by that shop… I just really love them and wanted to giveaway something I loved! So I have purchased a gift card to giveaway to one lucky winner!!!
The winner will get a $200 Adored Vintage gift card!!!
All you have to do to enter is comment below telling me if you could wear one look forever what would it be? A dress? yoga pants? Jeans and a t-shirt? I think I would say a dress! I often feel more comfortable in a flowy dress than anything else, and they are so easy to adapt to seasonal changes. So tell me yours below! Winner will be notified here on Friday!
definitely a dress for me! i think that’d be the most comfortable choice. i actually just found adored vintage a couple months ago and have been eyeing some of theirs 🙂
I def love me some harem pants…feel like pajamas, look…kinda like pajamas 😂 but they’re so comfy!
Definitely a dress! you have inspired me to buy some dresses from nothing fits but ☺️ I even bought one to match with my mini 👗
I would say a dress, comfortable, yet simply beautiful. 👗
I’d have to pick jeans and a pretty top for just one outfit, but I’d definitely miss dresses and leggings both! Variety is my fave. And love all these shops also!
Jeans and T-shirt for sure!
Ahh they’re clothes are beautiful!! And it’s so hard to choose, some seasons of life I’m all for jeans and a tee, sometimes it’s a dress and right now (pregnant with our third!) it’s leggings and baggy tees.
My go-to would be a tank dress with an oversized cardigan. Vuori pants with a sweatshirt would be a close second.
Jeans and a t-shirt or blouse for sure. It’s just so easy!
I am loving dresses more lately, but I’d probably say jeans, a sweater or blouse, and some flats!
A dress… with pockets!
Definitely a dress
Totally a dress! 100% of the time.
Without a doubt – a dress. I too love Adored Vintage 😍 My fingers are crossed!!!
I would say t-shirt and jeans….and I’m ready to go, ready to chasing the sun with the kids and ready for simple date with my husband. Down to anything!
Feminine, flowy dress for sure. But somewhat cinched at the wait and wrists because I can’t handle anything hanging down and getting in the way😅
Some nice shorts and a great blouse. I love the summer! With our current weather however, leggings a cute blouse and a cardigan. 😊
I’m also a dress fan! So much easier to slip on a dress than coordinating an entire outfit. With a dress you always look way more put together than the effort you actually have to put in!
Definitely a dress! I used to be a jeans and tshirt girl. But after becoming a mom, dresses are just so much comfier and always fit haha
Jeans and T-shirt
I love dresses the most! They are certainly comfortable but yet also make me feel beautiful!
Gosh I love your style! I have to say a midi or maxi dress! So flowy and comfortable! And more functional to me jeans.
I’d have to say a dress! To be more specific, a midi one that’s easy to nurse in… because, babies! 😉
If I could wear any one look forever I think I would say cut-off jean shorts, loose flowy casual top, and some comfy sandals. However, I just through the Adored Vintage website and might change my answer if I win, haha!!
I’d wear jeans, t-shirt with a cardigan everyday 🙂 Love your style!
I have found that I get the most compliments when I’m wearing a dress AND it’s the most effortless outfit to put together while actually looking put together…. So it’s win win all around! 😉
Absolutely a flowy dress, preferably white 😍
I would have to say a dress as well – while I didn’t wear them except for rare occasions for years, I’ve found myself so much more comfortable in them lately. ☺️ I took a peek at Adored Vintage, and my goodness, they have some *beautiful* ones!!
I love dresses! Easy for any occasion!
I could wear jeans and a graphic tee everyday. I love how it is comfortable, but allows me to show some personality.
It used to be jeans and a tshirt but now I live in dresses 6/7 days of the week. And that’s only because of laundry day 😂 flowy, gauzy, linen, buttery soft dresses that are made for dancing and using the bathroom single handedly whilst holding a baby. That’s my speed.
A simple Linen dress
Oh love these ideas and shops! I think if I could live in a soft, loose fitting linen dress with a cozy sweater for cool days, that would be my go-to 😍 can’t wait to see who wins!
For years I’ve wanted to be a feminine dress wearer but I couldn’t find the dresses I wanted and when I did, they were so expensive (I try to only buy ethically made). I discovered Adorned Vintage maybe two years ago and fell in love with just about everything she has and I’ve missed out on purchasing items because I take such a long time to decide on a purchase before purchasing. 🤦🏻♀️ I’ve been sad about not having any more babies but one thing I’ve encouraged myself with, is finally growing that dress wardrobe I’ve wanted. I have a couple dresses I love but I have a long way to go. Dresses are comfortable, easy, and they honestly make me feel more confident.
I could live in black stretchy pants and an oversized sweater with some comfy boots, forever.
Oh geez, let me think. Since I had Irish twins recently and feel like I’ve been pregnant FOREVER, I would say a maxi dress. It’s effortless, chic, and takes no thought in “getting ready”. My daughter refers to them as my “nightgowns” but I don’t care! I know I look good in them! Lol
100% a flowy, maxi dress!
i think mine would be a dress! but jeans and a classic button down blouse would be a close second!!
Definitely a long flowy dress. I never wear make up, but I can just put on a dress and feel beautiful- Even barefoot out in the garden ❤️
I think I’d choose a midi length dress! Sleeveless, but with a cardigan also. Cardigans are my fave.
Oh man I’d wear athleisure for life!!
I think a dress- if it was long, Flowy, had pockets and was nursing friendly.
Beautiful flowy dresses 😍
Oh man to be honest it’s probably a cosy sweat suit haha but if I have to be presentable definitely Levi’s & a classic white tee!
I’m a flowy dress girl myself. I’m the most comfortable in it and love how it instantly helps you feel put together even when your not!
Tiffany! You are the randomly chosen winner of the giveaway! Please send me an email and I will send your gift card over!
Once an adamant leggings and long shirt wearer, my go to these days is a dress! Perfect for hot summers, easily adaptable in the winter with a sweater; it’s the style that easily adapts to my changing body after having 4 little ones!
Ohhh I follow them on IG and love all their stuff! So my answer is definitely a dress – it’s what I’m most comfortable in and I like to feel feminine 🙂
I would choose to wear anything gingham! Fav print of all time.
I would live in long, flowing dresses (with pockets)!
Adored Vintage is my absolute favorite!! I love their shop!
I would say dresses! Long, flowy dresses for sure!
Love all of these brands and ideas! For my favorite everyday look… I would have to agree with a dress and barefoot in the summer; but, jeans or work leggings in tucked into boots paired with feminine layers on top for winter.
I would wear a dress and a cute hat, boots and a fabulous coat to throw on!
A dress and flowy sweater coat is the perfect winter vibe! 👌🏻
I could live in a flowy feminine dress with some aspect of lace. I just love lace!
Currently at home in yoga pants, but I do love dresses! I will be checking out the website.
A good pair of jeans and a sweater is my go to! But I do love a good dress in the summertime.
A long floral dress, for sure. Which I already almost exclusively wear! And if cold weather, add a cardigan. Preferably always a cardigan, if weather wasn’t an issue. <3
Can it be all three?! But if I had to I’d go jeans and a tee! ❤️
Certainly I would choose a midi length dress. It’s an all season piece thats great for all occasions given its length.
I would wear a jumpsuit! They can be dressed up, dressed down, comfy, classy… you name it. And so flattering too. (Easily hides the mom belly if you get the right one 😉
It would definitely be a dress with an apron and a good pair of rubbers, boots, heels, or bare feet depending on the occasion 🙂
Definitely would choose a beautiful Flowey dress!!!😍😍
A dress – to make mothering four daughters look like a breeze, haha!
Overalls and a T-shirt! Or maybe a fun dressy shirt, under overalls, but definitely overalls!
I agree! I’d choose a dress as well. They’re comfortable, most of the time flattering, and I definitely feel my best in them.
Jeans, tee shirt and mules!!
My forever outfit: distressed shorts (or shortalls) with an oversized structured cream shirt. Brown loafers and a relaxed sweater to pair. Too bad there’s seasons 🤣
What a fun giveaway! I love a broken in pair of comfy jeans and a cute T-shirt!
I tend to wear jeans and a tee or sweater most days but I want to wear dresses more! Finding nursing friendly ones that aren’t too cold for the winter is not an easy task though 🙂
also, thanks for sharing your story about struggling with social events. We are navigating a lot of health issues/allergies/etc with my 13 month old and thinking about the social things coming up makes me feel tired and overwhelmed already, I just want to hide in my house and ignore the events.
That’s a hard one, I’d have to say jeans and a t shirt. There’s just something about a favorite pair of jeans!
jeans and a black dolman sleeve shirt….wear almost every day already, lol!!!
Definitely a dress. My body is always changing having babies close in age and I love to find dresses that fit me at all the stages!
Jeans and t-shirt is easy but I love how I feel while wearing a dress so I would go for a dress!
I would were jeans with a sweatshirt.
I love a good flowy dress, but yoga pants and an oversized tee are a close second 🙂
Jeans and a cute t-shirt! Could wear it every day. In fact, I do! 🙂
Give me allllll of the billowy-sleeved. flowy dresses, paired with a hat from CJLA or Gigi Pip, sunnies, and my favorite shoes from Adelisa & Co. I have three kids under 5, so the easier, the better! 🙂
A long flowy dress (with pockets) and a cardigan for sure!
My signature uniform is vintage jeans with an olive green oversized wool sweater, pecan leather Birks or boots, and big earrings. Love adored vintage, gorgeous!
I so relate to your thoughts on empathy and struggling with holiday social gatherings… I’ve had a lot of healing too in recent years surrounding the Christmas season 💗
I’m definitely a dress kind of gal. Could be dressy and casual depending on how you style it and a whole outfit how practical! Plus they’re kind of freeing as well.
It would either be yoga pants or a dress! I love to be comfortable.😊
A dress! So easy to wear, you don’t have to worry about matching tops and bottoms, and beautiful!
Totally a dress but also definitely don’t shy away from yoga pants and a comfy T!
I would love a new dress!
Definitely a dress! They are my go to because you don’t have to worry about matching up a top and bottom. It’s a ready made outfit!
My go to is jeans and a tee shirt. I love how I can dress jeans up or down! Now in the summer I love a good dress! My legs need to breathe in the summer. Ha!
Definitely a dress! Easy to dress up or down and usually pretty comfy too!!
I love a beautiful dress, but I think jeans and a tshirt! 🙂
I always feel the most myself in a creamy, flowy neutral dress 🙂 In my early 20s, I would only wear vintage dresses. Felt they fit a woman’s shape so much better than the current clothing I could find marketed to an “ideal body type” for our generation. Love the quality of vintage material and fit so much more! 🤍
Levis and a white tee! (and preferably barefoot)
as a california girl, i would have always said 100 percent flowy, romantic dress no question, until i moved somewhere cold and i bike my kids to school, i now see the practicality of jeans and a sweater haha. but i still love a delicate blouse in a cottage-y pattern! its a good middle ground!
Some nice shorts and a great blouse. I love the summer! With our current weather however, leggings a cute blouse and a cardigan. 😊
Oh goodness, I would say a dress! I think a dress is suitable for almost any occasion while also feeling feminine and lovely. ❤️
Dresses forever! So effortless, easy to add layers & always make me feel put-together. 😉
You have the best style, Alex! ♥️
I wouldn’t mind wearing dresses every day 🙂
100% jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt! Dress it up or down.
Most definitely a long dress – loose enough to squat and bend in running and cleaning up after my little kiddos, and breathable/versatile for any season!
I wish I would say flowy dress! But in actuality it would be cozy sweatshirt and joggers. I’m hoping once our budget gets a little bigger and I can buy some new pieces to fit the mom life that are classier than that 😂
I’m all about comfy so as much as I’d love to dress in jeans and a cute top or a pretty dress, leggings are my go to pretty much 24/7!
Absolutely love a dress I always feel feminine and put together!
Definitely a dress for me as well! So feminine and put together, yet comfortable as well.
I love vintage inspired clothing! This brand is just so lovely! Love all the dainty floral pieces. Ps just wanted to say how kind you are to do this. Big hug.
If I had to choose, I’d say some flowy, super large pants that allow me to move freely and also to practice taekwondo kicks easily !
Oh, I love LOVE feminine dresses! I have not put on a pair of jeans in 10 years …. modern Ma Ingalls – yes, please!
Jeans and blouse for sure!