The night before make your leaven (you’ll need about 50-100g).
The next morning, mix 750g water with 50-100g active starter (I don’t usually measure my starter, just kind of pour in what’s there (it’s about 3/4 of a cup). mix that together then add 1000g flour.
I used organic all purpose, however you can also try adding some whole wheat, or freshly milled hard red. combine into a shaggy dough and let sit for 1 hour.
Then add in about a tbs of salt and do a stretch and fold. cover and let sit for at least 5-6 hours. That afternoon do one more stretch and fold, then pour onto counter and cut in half. stretch into two large squares and fold into itself to make a loaf shape. Place in two buttered loaf pans and let rise for another 30 mins. Bake at 425 for 45-50 mins. Rub tops with butter upon removing from the oven. Let cool and enjoy!