Forever I have longed for an English countryside inspired space, both inside and outside of our home. The rustic with the charming, hewn beams, fieldstone walls, wild and free foliage, and of course sheep grazing and ducks waddling by the creek! Rolling green hills, all the backdrop for chasing children and hanging laundry on the line outside, picking fruit in the orchard, and cutting flowers for every room… it’s just what my actual dreams are made of. I’m so thankful my husband is on the same page, and together, we have been working towards creating a space reminiscent of the charming English farms we pour over online and in magazines.

We are in the middle of defining the space that will serve as our garden and family fruit orchard. It’s behind our house, on a hill, overlooking a small valley of sorts on our property, the barn, where the future babydoll sheep we will pick up this summer will be grazing, and then of course, the creek. The sun sets below that, the glow I can’t wait to soak in while wrist deep in the soil of my garden beds, surrounded by my children, sticky faces from eating tomatoes off the vine. So I have been perusing pinterest nightly, trying to nail down exactly how I want to arrange the garden. I know it will be elevated and we will use stone to create steps up the side of the slope, into a fenced garden area with gravel, garden beds, arches for cucumbers and flowers to grow over, and perhaps stone garden beds.

Tomorrow I plan to visit a local quarry to see what they have available, and what the cost will be. My vegetable plants I started from seeds are growing nicely and will need to be thinned tomorrow as well, and will be eager to meet the ground very soon, making this project time sensitive! My husband has been working so hard moving dirt everyday, working to get the space all ready for the design part of things, and I can hardly wait!

We are planning to plant about 10 fruit trees for now… apples, cherries, plums, peaches, and nectarines! I love this idea of flowers within the orchards.. I think paired with the hilltop and sunset position, the dreamy factor is through the roof… I will definitely be scheduling shoots there!

Stay tuned for all that is to come!
Your property sounds like what dreams are certainly made of! I can’t wait to see the beauty and magic you create there!