This recipe makes a giant batch of this delicious and easy gluten and dairy free granola. There is about 10g of protein per 1 cup serving size which makes it a great snack as well! We love to pair it with yogurt, smoothie bowls, or just enjoy it with milk and berries for an easy and filling snack. We use sprouted seeds and grains so that it helps them to break down and digest in the body better. Sprouting removes the phytic acid that can be problematic. You can purchase your grains and seeds already sprouted or you can do it yourself!


4 cups GF sprouted oats ( we use the one degree brand)

4 cups sprouted brown rice crisps (we use the one degree brand)

1 cup of melted coconut oil

4 tb of milled sprouted flax seed

1 cup of sprouted pumpkin seeds

6 tb sprouted chia seeds

6 tb hemp hearts

4 tb sprouted almond flour

1/2 cup maple sugar

1 cup maple syrup

1 tb vanilla

1 tsp salt

Directions: Melt your coconut oil. Add all dry ingredients into a large bowl. Pour the melted coconut oil and maple syrup in as well and combine thoroughly. Pour mixture out onto two baking sheets lined in parchment paper. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes, stirring every 8 minutes and also change the position of the baking sheets (move them around to different racks in your oven each time you stir in order to keep it cooking evenly). Once it is all golden in color, remove and let cool. Pour into large glass jars to store. Lasts for about 5 days out of the fridge, a week inside the fridge!