Another year is coming to a close, which reminds me that endings beget new beginnings. A comforting thought as the swiftness of the passage of time becomes more and more evident to me. My baby is nearly a year and a half old, my oldest child is in double digits, and what began as a tiny thought about new adventures has led our family to preparing for a move across the country to a brand new place. I’ve realized that endings and beginnings are not innately good or bad, but instead, like much else in our lives, are dependent upon our perspective and experiences. So even when my heart tells me that one ending is negative, I can work to shift those feelings into gratitude for what was, and gratitude for what is to come. Much easier said than done, and definitely a task that requires sometimes heart shattering work, but still, this is work I will continue to do for all my days because I believe that there are lessons here from our Heavenly Father that serve a greater purpose than we can see.
Perhaps this was a hard year for you. I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry and that I understand heartache too, and that I think of you often. I think of those also experiencing hard things and I know how difficult it is to shift those sometimes heartbreaking experiences into something that doesn’t feel like it may wreck us completely. I know the feeling of being suffocated by the weight of emotional pain and I wanted you to know that I pray for you often. And if you ever want to reach out, I just wanted you to know that I am here… you are never alone.
I’ve tried a lot of new things this year. Even 10 years into this business, I’ve spent the past few years testing new theories for running a small business (a few in fact), I’ve offered new projects as a way to feel out certain things… all of it as a bit of research for the coaching I will be offering this coming year. Monetary success is obviously wonderful and a blessing, and I cannot wait to share more with my mastermind and coaching clients about what I’ve learned, but for me, there are many other things that must also be working well in order for me to deem it all truly successful. Homeschool lessons must not be neglected, I need my house chores to be kept up, and need my “nothing” time for dreaming and praying and just being where my feet are. Busy is almost like a four letter word to me… I’m grateful for work, always always grateful, but I also need remember that I don’t need to add things to my plate that will ultimately pull me from that which feels like the most important pieces. So shifts and pivots are natural and good and reevaluating all things and offerings is a great way to be sure that I am pouring my time and energy into the things I truly believe in; both for my family, and for my clients.
So this year I will lean into trusting the Lord more than even before. I’m listening and letting go of some of my offerings in order to preserve space for the coaching and photography clients that I want to pour whole heartedly into. I’m ending some things that are currently bringing in money in order to make time and energy for the offerings I believe are where I am meant to be right now… Walking alongside others in their journeys, helping them to navigate their big dreams and grand purpose, and making meaningful treasures to preserve the beautiful seasons of motherhood. All while saving space for my own family; homeschooling my children who are getting older and needing more attention, nurturing our family and the farm we will be starting from scratch on our new home in South Carolina, and writing about all the big beautiful experiences and feelings that accompany me along the way.
I truly think that sometimes we have to let go of certain things in order to tighten our grasp on that which needs to be held onto.
And so those things I will be holding tighter to are my family, my big dreams and the purpose I know that has been laid out before me, and you. Those of you who show up to read my words, hire me to make photos of your family, come alongside me as workshop attendees, mastermind and coaching clients, I will save space for you every single time, because the gratitude I feel for you, and the joy I experience in helping you find success in whatever capacity you are looking for, the love I have for documenting these seasons for you, those things will always remain for me.
Thank you for being here… I can’t wait to see the blessings that 2022 will bring.